Image of The Week: New Caledonia – Net Casting Fisherman

This image was taken in New Caledonia, and is of a local man trying to catch some fish on the lagoon. The method is called net casting, and is a tried and tested apparatus of catching fish that are left on the reef at low tide. I followed him with my camera as he stalked his waiting catch for quite some time. He continually cast and retracted his net, and it took quite a few shots to capture this image, as the net would move so fast when thrown, and the light at dusk made it hard to see.

All photos in the ‘Image of The Week’ series are protected under the ‘Creative Commons’ licence as detailed below. You are free to copy and distribute this image as you wish, as long as the image itself is used for non commercial use, remains unaltered, and with a link back to this site.

I am by no means a professional photographer, but I believe some of my images are worthy of sale. Traveling the world is an expensive hobby, so If you would like to purchase this image for commercial purposes, then please click the tab above, and you will be presented with a series of options through the ‘FotoMoto’ service. The image displayed above is a reduced and highly compressed JPEG. All licensed images made available for download, are supplied in full high resolution TIFF format. All prints are also created from these full resolution images, without watermarks.

Creative Commons License
DigiDrift – Images by Jason Webb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

This Image Was Captured At The Following Location


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     About the author

Jason has traveled the world extensively during the last 20 years, with overland journeys on six continents and across over 90 countries. This site serves as a chronicle of the images and tales from these journeys, as well as offering advice and general information for other like minded travelers.

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  • Andi

    Awesome pic! I loooove New Cal!!!

  • Andi

    Awesome pic! I loooove New Cal!!!

  • Cumidanciki

    captured in mid flight! Awesome stuff..

  • Jason

    Hey Ciki, Thanks for that. It was getting dark and hard to focus for this shot.

  • Jason

     Hey Andi, I really enjoyed New Caledonia as well. I had no real expectations on arrival, and sometimes that’s the best way to travel.